Individual Counselling

Individual Counselling Services in Perth

We provide holistic therapy & counselling services in Perth from our two counselling clinics. Our team of registered counsellors provide a safe and supportive space for you to explore your challenges, develop strategies and take control of your mental health.

We have supported many individuals over the last decade to become emotionally stronger, more confident, self-assured and excited about their lives again, and we’d love the same for you.

We work in a creative, modern way, inviting you to explore all parts of you to get to the core of your pain and relieve your Inner stress.

We’re not about superficial or band-aid approaches. We genuinely guide you to heal and feel the lightness you crave.

How Therapy Can Help.

Therapy isn't just about overcoming mental health challenges. It's a powerful tool for personal growth, relationship difficulties, self-understanding, developing coping strategies, and living the most fulfilling life that you uniquely envision and design.

Our holistic counselling services have helped our clients create positive change for a diverse range of challenges as we take a special interest in how each part of yourself is related to other parts of you.

No one thing, such as anxiety, happens in isolation in our view. Each part of you is interrelated and understanding this inner web is central to your healing.

Our unique magic is guiding you to get to know all Parts of you, how they interrelated, what their burdens and pressures are, and how we can burden or relief them of their inner stress, with compassion and gratitude.

  • Often, people seek therapy once their thoughts and mood are distressing and they don’t feel like themselves. You might think that you can handle your mental health on your own, but confronting difficult emotions can be daunting which is why so many people avoid it, but this doesn’t heal your symptoms at the core, only distracts you temporarily. Our gentle counsellors can guide your self-discovery, offer strategies to manage anxiety and depression and find a path forward that deeply understands why these symptoms arrived and what they can teach you about how you’re experiencing life and how you can show up more authentically.

  • Do you struggle to cope with stress in your life? Maybe you are dealing with a difficult situation, or everyday life's demands are becoming too much. When stressed or burnt out, you’re more likely to feel irritable, overwhelmed, anxious, distracted, and tense. Your sleep may be impacted and you might still wake up tired. You’re at the point where a massage is not going to solve all of your stress issues, and we need to take a broader look. We’ll explore what you are going through with one of our counsellors, and help you to learn coping strategies to deal with stress, promote relaxation, and build resilience. We’ll also explore and understand the beliefs and influences that have led you to hold so much stress in your life, including parts of you that are high-achieving, perfectionist, people-pleasing and or struggle to say no and set healthy boundaries.

  • If you are suffering from being reactive, deep hurts, challenges in relationships or difficulty regulating emotions, we’d love to help you understand and explore your triggers core needs and how to soothe yourself when triggered. We’ll show you your inner resilience, resources and strengths and awaken your authentic self so that your emotions and reactions don’t get the best of you or ruin your day anymore.

  • Relationship problems, big or small, can hugely benefit from relationship counselling. Face your relationship challenges with curiosity and compassion and come out stronger on the other side. We will help you develop communication skills, address conflict, and enhance your connection with each other by communicating your needs, triggers, boundaries, hurts and cor desires for connection.

  • Trauma and loss tend to take hold of our lives, sometimes without it being obvious, and change who we used to be. Through counselling, we provide a safe space for gently working through painful experiences, to heal and find meaning in your story, while reducing intense bodily actions emotions, anxiety, trauma responses and panic. We are trauma-trained therapists with expert trauma and PTSD skills to reduce your reactions and to feel like yourself again. We know it can be done!

  • Change and transition can feel overwhelming and cause feelings of grief and confusion. We are here to support you through all the challenges, help you with adjustment to the new chapters in your life and to feel stronger and more confident to deal with future transitions. We’ll guide you to navigating uncertainty and disruption to your routine, life and self as you used to formerly know it with confidence and courage.

  • You want to know yourself better, improve yourself and develop a loving and compassionate relationship with yourself. You want to improve your core self-beliefs, self-esteem and confidence so that you can engage in life without negative beliefs getting in way. Therapy with us will strengthen your self-esteem, and help you understand who you are and what you need in this life to feel supported, nourished and connected.

  • The truth is, most of your current distress, challenges or trauma is often related to your childhood when you didn’t have the skills to express, protect or understand yourself. Going back to re-connect with your Inner Child, unburdened from the stress, tension and negative beliefs they have been holding about themselves, relationships and the world will be immensely healing for you. We can’t wait to help you do that in a safe and gentle way that will put many missing puzzle pieces together about your adult life, relationships and challenges.

Good therapy works.
We see it time and time again in our bespoke practice.

Gabriella is the practice owner and principal. She is a dynamic, spirited and warm-hearted registered therapist with a Master's Degree in Counselling from the reputable Notre Dame University. She has ten years of experience and uniquely incorporates a body-mind approach into all her sessions to guide you to go within and support your Inner World.


  • Anxiety & panic

  • Overthinking

  • Identity (Who am I?)

  • Emotional regulation

  • Inner Child Healing

  • Sensitivity

  • Life-direction

  • Sex and dating

  • Confidence and authenticity

  • Mindful and somatic inquiry

  • Trauma & Childhood origin

  • Inner parts work (IFS Informed)

  • EMDR Therapy

Gabriella de Mori
Registered Counsellor

Jo is a qualified psychotherapist, with extensive specialist training. She supports women, mums, new parents, couples, and young families using EMDR, emotion-focused, and attachment therapies. Jo helps couples reconnect and overcome life stresses to rediscover their emotional bonds, providing holistic support for stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, and relationship issues.


  • Couples counselling

  • Anxiety and depression

  • Relationship challenges

  • Parenthood, co-parenting, blended families

  • Identify after motherhood

  • Pregnancy, Pre-natal/ Postpartum Depression or Anxiety

  • Attachment styles

  • Trauma, including birth trauma

  • Attachment anxiety or avoidance

  • Co-dependence or Hyper-Independence

  • EMDR Therapy

Jo Bealey
Registered Counsellor

Jen is a warm, non-judgmental therapist who integrates various therapeutic modalities, including Mindful/ Compassion/ Somatic Self-Inquiry, CBT, EMDR, and Mindfulness, to foster self-compassion and resilience. She creates a safe space for clients to explore their inner worlds. Jen is also a sexologist with a Masters Degree in Sexology.

Areas of interest:

  • Self-Criticism

  • Inner Child Healing

  • Sex and dating

  • Family of origin

  • Workplace stress

  • Childhood/Adult/Complex Trauma

  • Family of origin understanding

  • Nervous system regulation

  • Pleasure and sexuality

  • Abortion counselling (pre/post)

  • LGBT+ Community

  • Pelvic/sexual pain

  • EMDR Therapy

Jen Vellios
Registered Psychologist

Online counselling (Telehealth)

We offer online Telehealth counselling that's just as effective as in-person sessions but with the added flexibility of fitting it around your busy schedule and cutting down on travel time. Whether you're in Perth or anywhere else in the world, all you need is a stable internet connection to get started.

Our experienced therapists will guide you through the process and make sure you feel comfortable and secure throughout your online sessions.

If you are ready to invest in yourself, this can be a truly transformative experience. 

Our clients are strong, successful and accomplished women and couples who show up to live, seek to be better each day, and invest in their personal growth. Our clients know that a healthy mind influences and impacts every other aspect of their life, and they proactively value supporting their Inner World.

Our approach to therapy

We know taking the first step towards therapy can feel overwhelming, it's why we focus on creating a safe, supportive space where you will feel truly heard and understood. Our trauma-informed approach means we'll never push you to talk about things you're not ready for but prepare you to manage your symptoms better.

We'll work at your pace, set goals and tailor therapy to your unique needs using our unique mend of approaches that welcome all parts of you and actively seek to reduce shame about what you’re experiencing and how you're thinking.

We believe a strong, trusting relationship is key to successful therapy, and our clients often feel understood and valued. If you're seeking a therapist who will listen, collaborate, and support you on your journey, let's connect.

What can supportive counselling do for you?

Through counselling, you'll gain valuable insight into yourself, building a stronger sense of self and healthier relationships. We'll guide you with discussions, reflections, and insights to help you understand yourself more deeply and find solutions and strategies to support your challenges.

Our clients often comment on how comfortable and supported they feel even before their first appointment, as we offer complimentary connections and supportive email resources even before your first appointment.

Our clients find counselling to be an enjoyable and meaningful experience that they look forward to. Many continue sessions well beyond their initial concerns, and a bit of laughter in our counselling room is not uncommon!

Soulful Women Group Program

Get in Touch

Contact Gabriella de Mori & Co. and let us guide you on your therapeutic journey.

Through counselling we will help you...

  • Understand, explore and manage your emotions;

  • Learn to love, support and nourish yourself with compassion;

  • Observe and deal with your nasty Inner Critic that keeps you in a state of fear and self-criticism;

  • Understand your relationship to vulnerability and intimacy and how it influences your relationships;

  • Identify, articulate and express your needs, boundaries and desires;

  • Learn to self-soothe during times of distress and emotional overwhelm;

  • Draw important connections between your earlier life and current experiences;

  • Identify your unhelpful and unkind ways of thinking and behaving, and offer alternative strategies;

  • Understand how you experience yourself in family, social, work and romantic relationships;

  • Drop your guard and tendency to do everything yourself (hyper-independence)

  • Move towards living a full, courageous and purposeful life;

  • Embrace healthy and positive sexual experiences and beliefs that are free of shame, judgement and fear;

  • Resolve conflicts in your relationships, develop better communication skills and lean in towards love, connection and intimacy;

  • Be mindful and develop core meditation skills for relaxation and exploration of your inner world;

  • Develop a strong sense of yourself and allow your true, authentic personality to shine;

  • Identify your core values of what is important to you and help you align your life towards them;

  • Improve your self-esteem and self-love;

  • Manage and confront symptoms of anxiety, depression, stress and emotional overwhelm that have been lurking around for far too long; and

  • Connect with and heal your inner child’s pain. Yes, it can be done!

Our Unique Magic

We understand that modern lives make busy minds and stressed-out humans.

One of our teams' greatest strengths is being able to hold space for deep, intense and overwhelming emotions and thought processes and styles. Our goal is to provide a safe space where you can express yourself authentically and explore those emotions with a calm, wise and confident therapist guiding you to do it safely and avoid emotional flooding and overwhelm.

We believe in the power of courage, vulnerability, and resilience. Our experience allows us to hold space for your deepest feelings, offering practical guidance when you feel overwhelmed and showing you how to turn your pain into wisdom and insight. Ultimately, we aim to help you develop a strong sense of self, empowering you to navigate life and relationships with confidence while you drop off the baggage from your past and release yourself from inner stress and pain.

We have specialist training in Internal Family Systems and mindful self-inquiry: An Evidenced-based model that combines meditation and therapy. This therapy style is a much sought-after, contemporary dynamic, creative approach that specifically supports Inner Child Healing, understanding all parts of you, reducing shame and understanding why you do the things you do that you often don’t like. It’s an approach that unhooks you from repetitive patterns that no longer serve you, understand why you react intensely the way you do, and get to the root causes of your suffering, rather than staying on surface level, day-to-day challenges. Trust us, it’s magical!

Individual and Couples Counselling Fremantle Perth

Get in touch

Contact Gabriella to discuss working together. I’ll guide you to which therapist is most suitable for you and your needs.

Stay in touch

Connect with us on social media for soulful resources.


  • During our sessions, you can expect a safe, non-judgmental space where you can openly discuss your concerns and challenges. We'll work collaboratively to identify your goals, develop personalised strategies, and support you on your journey towards improved mental health and well-being. You’ll be invited to explore ‘parts-work’ and mindfulness-based practices to explore your body and mind and how they interact. We work from beautiful, soft, private spaces that are non-clinical and create a soft place for you to land. Our therapists are personable, and relateable and will build rapport with you quickly. Our therapy isn’t about quick- superficial hacks. We address your challenges from the root cause, often relating to your Inner Child or earlier experiences.

  • We offer individual and couples counselling sessions on Monday- Friday with after-hours appointments available. Our sessions are available in 60 and 90-minute durations which you can choose from. to ensure you have enough space and time to explore your thoughts and feelings.

  • Session fees are discussed when you contact us and let us know the type of service and session duration you’re looking for, ensuring upfront transparency and no unexpected costs. We offer both in-person and online counselling sessions, allowing you to choose the format that best suits your needs and preferences.

  • Yes, for those with private health insurance, we offer rebates for Medibank, ahm BUPA, HCF, and AHM.