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Women’s Cave: Holistic mindfulness in Fremantle + Online

Hosted by an experienced group facilitator, registered counsellor and mindfulness coach, Gabriella de Mori.

Join us for mindfulness classes that explore exercises and practices you can use for a lifetime to regulate your nervous system, ground yourself in the present moment and find inner calmness.

Upcoming Classes:

  • Date: TBA

  • Online (Via Zoom): 10:00 am - 11:30 am

  • Theme: "How to stop thinking and start feeling peacefulness"

    About: We will be connecting to our higher self to find inner calmness and spaciousness and explore strategies to think less, zoom out on the bigger picture and stop giving our fears and worries so much attention.

    This class will help you to stop getting hooked on your thoughts and instead learn what to do with your brain instead of constant worry, over-analysis, anxiety and making endless lists.

    You'll leave finding a place within your mind and heart you've probably never known was possible before, but you will be SO glad you found it.


Women’s Cave | Experiential Mindfulness

I’m passionate about creating safe and welcoming environments where you can be authentically yourself, drop your mask, and settle into a more soothing and still presence within your body and heart.

I invite you to ‘come as you are’ and experience mindful, therapeutic and holistic practices you can practice at home that don’t require ‘learning’, using your brain or painful processing.

The groups are small, friendly and will provide you with an opportunity to practice, explore and observe your inner world and all of the dynamic parts and constellations within you while amongst beautiful women.

These classes will be slow, simple, understated and an invitation to slow. the. hell. down. Foreign, right?


Class Format

Each class will be different and intuitively guided, yet with the following components:

  • Self-connection exercises to practice authentic mindfulness.

  • Breath-focused meditation.

  • Brain/nervous system balance.

  • Exploring ‘inner parts work’.

  • Oracle card/art therapy.

  • Invitation to slow, settle, and find stillness.

  • Poetry and ponderings.

  • Class check-in + closing thoughts.

  • Sharing your journey and connecting with new friends.



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You know how to ‘do’ so much. Now let’s explore just ‘being’ and allowing stillness to be enough.


You know how to be busy, productive, loving, high-achieving and carry the mental load.

But being calm, settled and still often feels elusive. When you’re tired, burnout and have so much on your mind, focusing on healing or learning new strategies can be overwhelming. That’s why I’ve designed these simple classes for you to rest your mind, body and heart.

As a therapist, I know my clients and community and their needs, and I also know so many women feel isolated and crave genuine connection, so this is an opportunity to see other beautiful, high-functioning women in a more soulful, authentic and real way, who are all on their own journeys to feel peace.

These skills of stillness, slowing down and settling into the moment is a lost art, but together we will re-find peace within our bodies, minds and hearts, gently.

As they will be intuitively guided, I would like you to come with an open heart and let the sessions flow.

This is an opportunity to experience and practice presence, rather than using your mind and ‘learning.’ This is not a 'workshop' or 'class', but a gentle experience. There are no PowerPoint lessons!

Women's Cave is open to women and non-binary people 18 yrs+ who are interested in exploring themselves through mindfulness, self-inquiry, inner parts work, nervous system regulation and connecting with themselves and others.

Small groups will run in person in my practice in Fremantle and online via Zoom.

These low-cost experiences provide accessibility to therapeutic support from an experienced and registered therapist.

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Women’s Cave is for you if:

  • You love connecting to other women in small group settings.

  • You want accountability to ensure you meditate.

  • You want to be guided through unique and custom meditations.

  • You feel safe to look within and explore your inner wrold.

  • You want to feel the power of the room when we’re all being mindful together

  • You’re struggling with your mood, anxiety, stress or overwhelm and want to feel better, fast.

  • You’re interested in strategies and tools that settle your mind, heart and nervous system.

  • You don’t want to ‘learn’, try hard or fight for healing anymore, you want it to unfold.

  • You’re excited about someone taking the lead and making decisions for you so you can just settle and experience the magic.

  • You have an open heart and want to try new things.


About Your Host Gabriella

Hi, I’m Gabriella. I’m a unique potion of academic, evidence-bathed terapy, alternative holistic health, somatic and body-focused healing modalities and a sprinkle of magic. I am a registered clinical counsellor who is obsessed with sharing mindfulness practices to show busy, successful, productive women how. to settle and soothe into an inner state of peace, no matter how familiar that feels.

I’ve been seeing clients, running workshops and hosting online courses for a decade, with a much-loved library of digital resources and my Mediation Mecca where I share my resources for free or low-cost entry points so that all my community can work with me and access my resources.

Recently I’ve been exploring new modalities, such as somatic enquiry, Internal Family Systems, Kinesiology, Trauma, Tenston and Stress Release (TRE) exercises as well as reconnecting with old loves of art therapy, oracle cards, poetry and the pure joy of women’s groups.

Oh, and I am a messy, complicated, brilliant, dynamic, exploring, curious, overthinking, real, shaken, soulful, witchy, fragile, strong, humorous, hysterical, calming, engaged, grounded, layered, excited, scared of life authentic human. I lead healing by example, not by pretending to be a perfect human.


“Hi Gabriella,

Looooved the class on Sunday. I really enjoyed going from practice to practice and there being no pressure to share or reflect. I spent the rest of the day in a very relaxed and present state. Thank you! ~Jane”

“Hello Gabriella,

Thanks so much again for hosting such an amazing experience! I had a great time learning from you and the others as well. I left the class feeling more insightful and content and had a great and peaceful rest afterwards. Thanks again!” ~Tilly

“Thanks Gabriella!

It was really nice to meet you, I really enjoyed yesterday. I absolutely loved it! I felt really calm and centered afterward, which I took into the rest of my day. Thank you for making such a soul-nourishing session so accessible at this price point. You do not see much of that around!?” ~Ren


  • “Thank you for another fabulous session. My heart always feels so full afterwards.”

  • “You.are.amazing. Like seriously. You could turn this into a course! Gaaa you’re so good”

  • “It was such a pleasure, so wonderful”

  • “I loved your class! Slept so well and will definitely be a regular.”

  • “I so loved today’s meditation session, it was such a beautiful experience. Thank you.“I loved it so much!”

  • “I’m really passionate about safe space for women, and this is exactly what you created!“

 Experience Calming Mindfulness


“Hi Gabriella,

Oh my goodness- Sunday was just magical! Thank you so much for the invitation and for holding space for all of us so beautifully. 

Being in nature with the most wonderful group of women, allowed me to feel a sense of grounding and peace I haven't felt in a long time.

Thanks again and I hope you celebrated (and continue to celebrate) yourself for the incredible impact you so effortlessly facilitated. “ ~ Tessa


Jana’s journey with meditation

 I had never practised meditation until COVID-19 hit and forced us into lockdown. With my job going down to part-time hours, I found myself with a lot of spare time and I decided meditation was something I wanted to start implementing in my life. I started by doing Gabriella's meditations and then I signed up to her classes.

Gabriella’s meditations are the only ones I listen to. Her voice is calming, she has a variety of different lengths pending time, different themes and topics, and she knows how to take you through a process and journey.

I have been struggling with anxiety for a few years now for a variety of factors, including health, financial, relationships and career. Her meditations have allowed me to stop and reflect on some events in my life and to think deeply as to how I can change my mindset from a negative perception to a productive and “what did I learn from this experience.”

I’d recommend this course to everyone and anyone. I didn’t think I had to forgive anyone for anything, but when you really stop and think, you realise that perhaps someone once did something to you, or you to them, and we owe it to ourselves to take time out to improve our mental health and wellbeing.

Gabriella's meditations are now part of my daily routine, and I will forever be grateful for the amazing work she does.


“Thank you Gabriella,

What a deliciously delightful session that was today. I am not good at slowing, and my continued coughing meant breathing deeply was like running a marathon, but I did sleep so soundly after the session - which is a first in many days! Relaxing!” ~Stacey

“Hi Gabi

Just wanted to say thanks for a lovely night last night at the women’s cave. I really enjoyed it! Exactly what I needed, a laugh and serenity x” ~Tessa

“Thanks, Gabriella!

I loved it! Felt deeply relaxed and comfortable, I liked each of the little steps you took us through. My biggest takeaway was the definition of mindfulness - and when you clicked "and now". It was wonderful!”  ~Michelle

"The Women's Cave is the best!!! It gives me the opportunity to learn new calming ways to regulate myself + reconnection with other women. It's helping me to get out & feel safe in the world  I've always wanted to paint but it's been something I always noted as "One Day I will learn".  I really enjoyed the painting part of the session & it has inspired me to go out & buy paint & start painting  Please keep these sessions going Gabriella- I love what you do" ~Harsha

 Find safety and calmness in your heart, body and mind

“Gabriella, what a deliciously delightful session that was today. I am not good at slowing but I did sleep so soundly after the session - which is a first in many days! Relaxing! Thank you for sharing your magic and wisdom for many who are struggling. ”

— Stacy

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Kind words from my workshops and classes

  • “I’m so excited to be here again because this is the only place where I meditate for longer than five minutes!”

  • .“I absolutely enjoyed myself and had the best night’s sleep!”

  • “It was such a lovely setting and evening, thank you, Gabriella!”

  • “Every time it feels like you choose a meditation just for what I need!”

  • “It was so beautiful! I absolutely loved it. Thank you so much for creating such a lovely, comfortable space.”

  • “I feel calm, clearer and connected again, no more anxiety!”

  • “I was so anxious and flat before, and now I feel emotionally still, mentally at ease.”

Complete the form and be the first to know about upcoming classes by making sure you’re on my newsletter list.

My invitation is for you to learn to love your inner world, all of it.


 Testimonials about my women’s events.

“I just left our session with a huge smile on my face, which has been very rare over the past few weeks, thinking about how grateful I am for you. For the reverence, and space that you hold, for the divine healing and incredible gift you give, For the guidance and the light you have provided through my darkest days. Thank you for being you, you are quite remarkable.”

~ Sana, Meditation Group Member

 Leave feeling calm, nourished, connected and peaceful

Meditation Testimonial

“I loved this meditation class so much! From the moment it started I felt at peace. I don't usually meditate and it has always been one of those things I feel I should do or want to do and never 'find time' for it. This was magical for me as a beginner and took me straight into the right headspace which is something I frequently struggle with. It was a joy. Can not recommend it enough.”

- Claire, Meditation Group Member

Women’s circles. Women’s community groups. Meditation Fremantle. Mindfulness Fremantle. Meditation class Fremantle. Mindfulness Class Fremantle. Women’s Groups. Make friends Fremantle. Social groups Fremantle. Women’s Events Perth. Perth events. Women Perth.

Master simple yet powerful exercises and practices you can use every day, forever