I know you don’t want a run-of-the-mill therapist who regurgitates textbook 101 psychology

I already know.

You don’t want a run-of-the-mill therapist who regurgitates textbook 101 psychology.

You don’t want to feel like a number on a conveyor belt and pushed through a system.

You want a reputable, respected therapist who brings something different and holistic to the table.

You’re unique, brave, curious, complex, intricate, brilliant, interesting, earnest, giving, layered and brave.

You want to be uniquely known, heard, seen, understood and supported in your own bespoke way.

You want an interesting, different therapist who will actually create long-lasting change with you.

We want to be your secret weapon, your personal therapist, cheerleader, wise woman, and guide to propel you forward.

We’re proud of our modern approach to therapy that integrates the mind, heart, body and nervous system.

We have endless testimonials that demonstrate our unique and invaluable work, our exceptional client care, our personable approach and our contemporary approach to therapy that integrates the mind, heart, body and nervous system.

We do therapy differently: Modern therapy for modern women with modern lives.

I know we do it differently because I have SO many clients come to me after trying another therapist and it didn't work for them.

I'm so glad they tried again and found me!

Explore our testimonials here:

World's Longest Testimonials Page

Explore our bespoke counselling here:

Bespoke Individual & Couples Counselling

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Can't wait to chat and get to know you better,



The biggest challenge with your unhelpful thoughts...


Quick game’s a good game!