If being a sensitive weirdo is wrong, I don't wanna be right
This is where I'm at in life: If being a sensitive weirdo is wrong, I don't wanna be right!
I'm not going to spend my whole life hiding myself, wishing I was different and shaming myself for being sensitive.
Being sensitive has lead me to the greatest relationships, the most meaningful work as a therapist, a thriving business I did MY WAY that no one believed I could pull off (in the middle of a pandemic I might add), and a lifestyle and weekly routine that allows me to thrive.
And every damn morning when I sit in my pyjamas, drink coffee, journal, write, create, listen to meditations and music and have hours to myself before I start my meaningful and purposeful work as a therapist at 12pm, I know I've made the best decision ever when I put my sensitivity at the forefront of my life.
My life is beautiful because:
I am highly sensitive and, more importantly:
I decided to listen to myself, acknowledge it and build a life that supported my sensitivity to thrive.
I use sensitivity as my compass, my north star.
I don't want to spend my life burnt out, dying in meaningless work and hiding my magic, wishing I was someone else.
I know I made the right decisions for ME, and now I get to enjoy it.
And none of that would have happened if I didn't decide long ago that I'm different and I am sensationally sensitive and there's no point denying it.
Radically accepting my sensitivity means accepting that I need different things.
I need a different lifestyle.
I need different work than others.
I need more self-care than others.
I need different types of connections and conversations than others.
...and I have magical sh*t to offer in this world so I better take good care of myself so I can sprinkle this magic everywhere I go with joy and glitter.
Now, imagine the opposite: If you put me in an open-plan office with:
400 phones ringing around me (I can't even deal with hearing one person's ringtone).
Over-head lights that give me headaches.
Meaningless KPIs that make me feel like a work horse.
Superficial relationships where we only get to talk about MAFS, the footy and how the world is ending.
A toxic work culture or 'a competitive, fast-paced environment'...
...I would shrivel and wilt like a flower run over by a steam-truck and wish I wasn't born.
What does that tell me?
My sensitivity isn't the problem.
Certain environments and lifestyles are the problems.
Put me in the wrong environment, I feel like an unstable weirdo.
Put me in the right environment, I feel like a magical, precious, creative, giving, soulful, special person that is valuable.
...and sometimes, you have to create that environment for your damn self, because the world is designed for hyper-active, patriarchal, capitalist, isolated, superficial, social climbers and workaholics to thrive, and I am always going to lose at that game.
Now, because I deeply know the power of the right environment, I have created a magical new space to give you the supportive community that you as a sensitive, empathetic and kind woman have always needed but never had before.
So...start your fairy claps please (because drum rolls are too loud for sensitive women...)
*Introducing: The Secret Society for Sensationally Sensitive Women*
A monthly membership and safe place to come to ground, drop the mask you often have to wear, and be guided towards a calm, nourished and rejuvenated place within you, while being supported and celebrated by deeply supportive women who are sensationally sensitive, just like you.
Your opportunity
Join The Secret Society where we find support and nourishment in just the way we need and crave. It's the community you look forward to every month. You'll experience being seen, heard and wildly celebrated. Even if the world doesn't understand your brilliance or know your unique magic, we do!
Your type of people
Finally, find your tribe of sensitive, thoughtful, interesting, dynamic women. A place where you won't feel like the odd one out or 'too much.' Where you deep dive into meaningful chats on topics that matter to you, with awkward chit-chats or superficial introductions allowed.
Your Host- Captain Sensitive
A dynamic, bold, sensitive woman & experienced therapist for sensitive women, engaging host, space-holder and your Captain Sensitive: That's me! I've intentionally created a life that allows me to thrive as a sensitive woman, internally and externally, unashamedly and I want to create a space for you to experience that, every month.
Your safe space
For so long you've wished to find your tribe but didn't know how. I've done it for you and have magnetised sensationally sensitive women around the world to be all in one secret, online safe space to thrive and taken the hard work out of it for you. You know that deep relationships are instrumental to your mental health, but it's often so hard to make friends as an adult in a modern busy world. I've done it for you.
Your self-care practice
The world is busy, over-stimulating and often misunderstands you. You're invited to come to ground each month to settle your nervous system, fill your cup up with deep connection, freeing journal exercises and calming, nourishing meditation practices designed just for you. This is the perfect self-care routine for sensitive women. Face masks and dressing gowns welcome.
Your support skills
Master journalling, meditation and somatic exercises to support your sensitivity. You'll build your confidence to support yourself on the hard days as each month you'll experience new meditations and somatic practices. You have your community, your tools and your guidance from me to show you how to nurture yourself, find your magic and let your brilliance shine.
Your Next Step
Join the membership and be part of a movement that is deeply needed, and long overdue. Be part of the change you want to see in the world by supporting yourself and other sensitive women to thrive, not burn out.
Captain sensitive signing off,
PS. Listen to this beautiful song I found while trying to find a GIF for 'if loving you is wrong, I don't wanna be right: It's a beautiful song by Luther Ingram.