What do you want?

I was doing a live with my Journey to Self-Peace course participants a few weeks ago and I decided to mix things up.

Each day I would typically ask, 'How is your heart, your mind and your body?' as a way for us to practice self-connection.

But on Day 4, after they had watched their daily lesson about differentiating between the voice and thoughts of your authentic self versus your Inner Critic, I hit them with something different because I knew they were struggling with this concept.

I asked "What do you want?"

Simple. Tell me.

"What do you want?"

Just say it.

Stop thinking about it.

"What do you want?"

There was radio silence. I waited.

So I explained more:

"Stop thinking about the how you're going to get this, or if you deserve it, or what will people think about you or how you can't afford it. Just tell me what you want. No questions asked."

"Speak it out into the universe."

"You don't have to have a plan. Just say it."

And the comments started to come through like food gates.

"I want a partner and to be in love"

"I want to buy a caravan and travel around whenever I want"

"I want more time and peace"

"I want 1000 downloads on my podcast."

And finally, we arrived at the voice of their AUTHENTIC SELVES.

You see, we know what we want. Its just that as soon as we think about it, then the Inner Critic comes in to harass us. It says things like:

"Love isn't going to happen for you: There are no good men left out there"

"Who the hell do you think is going to fund your hippie caravan dreams huh? Get back to work."

"There's no time for peace or to stop, it's time to hustle."

"Noone cares about your silly podcast for goodness sake!"

The inner critic is scared, mean, thinks small and hates change.

Your authentic self? It dreams big and wants the best for you.

And I want the best for you too.

If you too would love to embody this concept, enrol in Journey to Self-Peace , so that you can stop living at the mercy of your inner critic and thinking you have no idea what you actually want. You do, you just need to know how to bring it out. Click here to explore.

So... question for you today is what do you want?


Focus during Meditation


What is the meaning of life?